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Ken Hensley


Ken Hensley (full name Kenneth William David Hensley) is the hitmaker of British hard rock. His talents can hardly be overestimated. In addition to being a singer and songwriter, Ken is an excellent keyboard and guitar player. He gained his popularity when he worked as part of the Urian Heep group.

Ken Hensley was born on August 24, 1945 in London. My father served as an officer in the navy. He raised Ken, his three brothers and sister according to strict religious principles. When Ken was ten years old, his family moved to Stevenage. Here his first hobby for playing the guitar was born

The path to fame was varied, full of changes and development. Ken Hensley's debut concert was at the age of fifteen at The Mentmore Pen Factory. At the beginning of his musical career, the boy developed his talent in the local little-known bands "The Blue Notes", "Ken And The Cousins" and "Kit And The Saracens". In 1963, the band "The Jimmy Brown Sound" was created, which performed soul music. But Ken liked the heavier rhythms better. In 1965, Ken Hensley joined the group "The Gods". He plays the organ, sings and composes songs. After that Ken is engaged in creativity in the "Toe Fat" collective.

In 1969, Ken Hensley continued his creative career with the Urian Heep group. The early collective was called Spice. This is where Ken Hensley becomes an idea generator. He had his own style of writing lyrics and songs. Ken has never studied music professionally. The musician said that he would never be able to play academically like the great guitarists, but no one could play like Ken Hensley himself. Ten years of participation in this group brought Ken worldwide fame. Although the first years of creativity could hardly be called successful. Money, fame and a riotous lifestyle led to addiction to alcohol and drugs. We can say that such a circumstance of affairs and provoked Ken's departure from the group.

Ken Hensley's creative energy and ideas were enough not only for the rock band Urian Heep, but also for independent creativity. In parallel, Ken is releasing his own albums. The first was “Proud Words On A Dusty Shelf” in 1973. This was followed by Eager To Please (1975).

On the creative path of Ken, there was even an attempt to create his own group, but it was not crowned with success. But in 1980 his third album, Free Spirit, was released.

Ken Hensley moves to St. Louis. Finds work at St. Louis Music, which manufactures musical instruments and accessories. It was stability and work that helped the musician cope with addiction. It took twelve long years. Knowledge of German and Spanish served him on the way up the career ladder. Ken also spent three years in the export department of the same company.
Creativity and music never left Ken. In 1982 he participated in the Blackfoot collective.

Faith works miracles. She also helped Ken in 1988 to finally get rid of addiction and set foot on the bright path of correction.

In 1994, his next own album, "From Time To Time", was released. The musician's old songs in a new arrangement became the filling.
And in 1999 his album was released, where there were completely new compositions. The title of this album is “A Glimpse Of Glory”.

The album "The Last Dance" appeared in 2003 in Spain.

Since 2004, his work has been closely associated with musicians and orchestras in Russia, whose work he appreciated.

In 2006, Ken released a book about his life "When Too Many Dreams Come True - The Ken Hensley Story". This was a great idea for the next album, Blood On The Highway, in 2007.

Now the musician tours a lot.

Ken Hensley's career is a unique example of originality, inexhaustible creativity. His life is a vertical journey from the bottom of cocaine addiction to enlightenment and faith.